Feed Our Sheep
In John 21, Jesus instructs Peter three different times to feed his sheep. Of course, he was not telling Peter to start a hospitality ministry or a food pantry. Peter was called to be a fisher of men and the rock the church was built upon. But for us, we’re all called to be active in this commission of feeding his sheep in one way or another. One way we’ve chosen to do this at Horizons is through a meal ministry that provides a Christlike hospitality and shows the love of God through food. If Jesus is the Bread of Life and he has called each of us to feed his sheep, we see it fitting to offer bread to the sheep who are most in need here in our church.
There are five criteria that will qualify a recipient for a meal train. Birth, death of a loved one, and deployment are automatic qualifiers. Illness/injury and surgery are the final two criteria, and these situations will be considered on an individual basis. There must be a crisis situation or a dire need in order to qualify. For example, wisdom teeth removal is not a qualifier, but a cancer diagnosis would be. Also, in order to be a qualified meal recipient, you must be a member of Horizons Church, or have attended a church service at Horizons within the past month.
How It Works
A recipient can be identified by filling out a recipient request in the bottom left corner of the screen (first form if viewing on mobile) or by contacting Pastor Kelly.
From there, a facilitator of our Feed Our Sheep team will contact the recipient to gather information and coordinate meal train details.
Volunteers can join by filling out the form at the bottom right of this page (second form if viewing on mobile). As a volunteer, you will then receive an email on Fridays with an updated list of the needs within our church and sign-up options for meal deliveries.
We look forward to partaking in the love of God by bringing you meals directly to your home!
For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. – Matthew 25:35