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8302 Mount Clare Road
Mount Clare, WV, 26408
United States

(304) 745-5090

Horizons Church is a multi-site nondenominational Christian church based in north central West Virginia. Our mission is to Live to Make a Difference.

Youth Apologetics Intensive

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Youth Apologetics Intensive

  • Horizons Church 8302 Mount Clare Road Mount Clare, WV, 26408 United States (map)


The Youth Apologetics intensive is designed to answer some of the biggest questions about our faith so that we may better know not just WHAT we believe, but WHY we believe.

This will be a 9-week course (with a break for Easter) running from Sunday, March 16 – Sunday, May 18, during the 11 AM service, in the youth worship center (Lost Creek location). Please fill out the web form below to register.

Earlier Event: November 15
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